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Myascischev, Vladimir Mikhailovich 1902-1978


                                        MIKOYAN Artem Ivanovich

Vladimir Mikhailovich Myacischev  bir Sovyet uçak tasarımcısı ve mühendislik servislerinin bir Tümgeneralidir. MVTU’dan (Moskova Havacılık Teknik Üniversitesi) mezun  oldukdan sonra TsAGI içindeki Tupolev Tasarım Ofisi’nde çalışmaya başladı. TB_1, TB-3 ve ANT-20”Maksim Gorki” uçaklarının geliştirilmesinde görev aldı. DC-3’lerin lisans altında üretimine katkılarda bulundu. 

Birçokları gibi tevkif edildi ve NKVD’ye (sonraları KGB) bağlı TsKB-29’da, kendi gibi tutuklu olan Petlyakov’un bölümünde çalışmaya başladı. Daha sonra ünvanı geri verildi ve 22 No.lu Kazan fabrikası deneysel tasarım bürosunda baş tasarımcı olarak çalışmaya başladı. Burada 1943-1946 yılları arasında Pe-2, DIS ve DB-108’lerin geliştirilmesine katkılarda bulundu.

1946’da bürosu tekrar kapatıldı ve Moskova Havacılık Enstitüsü’nde hoca oldu. 1947’de profesör oldu.

1951’de bürosu tekrar kuruldu ve tekrar baş tasarımcı oldu. Bu ofisde M-4, 3M ve M-50 meydana getirildi.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Myascischev is a Soviet aircraft designer and a major-general of engineering services. After graduation from MVTU(Moscow Aeronautical Technical University) he started working at Tupolev Design Bureau which was within the TsAGI. He participated in the development of TB-1, TB-3, ANT-20 “Maxim Gorki” aircrafts. Starting on 1934 he was appointed the chief of the experimental planes brigade of TsAGI and he took part in the realization of ANT-41(T-1) torpedo bomber. He also assisted the production of DC-3’s under licence.

Like many others he was imprisoned and forced to work in  TsKB-29 of the NKVD(Later KGB) in Petlyakov’s department who was imprisoned like him . His reputation was regranted and he was appointed the head of the experimental design department at Kazan plant Nr.22. There he assisted the designs of Pe-2, DIS, DB-108 during 1943-1946.

In1946 his design bureau was disbanded and he became a tutor at Moscow Aviation Institute. He became proffessor in1947.

In 1951 was re-instated and he became the chief designer of  the design bureau 23 where M-4, 3M and M-50 were generated.

During 1960-1967 he was the chief of TsAGI and the general designer of the experimental machine-building plant EMZ (Eksperimantelny Mashinniy Zavod-Experimental Machine Works) which was named Myasischev after his death.

Editör :   M. Haluk SEVEL