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Clear air Turbulance (Cat) Is defined as a turbulence acurring in the upper TROPOSPHERE or lower STRATOSPHERE and having no relation to the convective instability. Cat is conseqently also containing a turbulence occurring in relation to the stable CL(cumulus) types skys.
Cat Is small scale one of the so_called COBBLESTONE_TYPE, which may almost be decribed as when a speedboat is rushing trought short wave crest(tepe, doruk). At Rest the Problems turbulence may couse damages on passengers and crewmembers plus couse serious problems for the pilot in controlling the aircraft, I.e becouse this type is occuring when least expected.
The intensity of the turbulence is indicated as being modorate (Mod)(orta Derece) or severe (SEV) (sert, guclu )According to the wind velocity (hiz)....
Cat is often found in connection with stable layers and inversions where we find a distinct change in the wind velocity within a short distance. In connection with these layers wave are often created. The waves will just like the one we find at sea, grow in order in the end to be broken and in the “air sea” in connection with these waves we find the accurence of turbulence.
Cat is most often found in a 500-3000 feet thick layer varying within distances from 20 to 100 km. The duration is varying from about 30 min. And up to 24 hours. This the reasons why to aircraft´s following each other may meet Cat in diffrent ways.
Cat Is often frequently found in the leeward side of mountain ranges when mountain waves and in a severe vertical wind shear in stable spaces when jet sreams.
Other Type Of Cat:
CLEAR AIR TURBULANCE WHEN MOUNTAIN WAVES: We Often find cat distinct mountain waves especially when a jet streams is blowing across the maountain range, this type is most severe when we have big pressure (basinc) falls in the leeward side of the mountain and when the wind velocity at the mountain top is 25 kt. Or more an is increasing (artis,cogalma) proportional to the hight.
CLEAR AIR TURBULANCE WHEN POLAR JETSTREAMS: In Connection with jet streams outside mountain areas the turbulence will be able to a lot from one spot to another. A genaral rule is that the turbulence is at its smallest when the wind velocity is linear, an is always in polar air side.
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Cevdet Simsek
Danish Flight Academy
Edited by - WAYKING_818 on 15/08/2004 18:42:14